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The Water Element and the Power of Surrender: An Interview With Sarah Clark, LAc

Interview with Sarah Clark, LAc, by Lindsay Wilkinson, ND, LAc  Lindsay: Winter can be a tough season for a lot of people. Can you speak to that from a Five Element perspective? Sarah: Winter is the most yin time of the year. We’ve gone through the deathing season of fall, and now everything is in […]

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Listening Deeply, Working With Trauma, and Being a Working Mom: An Interview with Sarah Clark, LAc

Interview by Kellyn Adams Kellyn: How did you make your way to practicing acupuncture? Sarah: My first introduction to acupuncture was through being a patient and experiencing a profound opening through receiving it. Kellyn: And you taught writing before you became an acupuncturist, right? Sarah: Yes, I was a writing teacher at the time, working

Listening Deeply, Working With Trauma, and Being a Working Mom: An Interview with Sarah Clark, LAc Read More »

What is TRE®?

by Sarah Clark, LAc Developed by psychologist and bodyworker David Berceli, TRE®, or Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises, is a series of simple and easily accessible exercises that activate the body’s natural vibrational healing. When we experience stress or trauma our bodies tend toward contraction. Most of us live in a state of relative nervous system hyperarousal

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