Shonishin/Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture

Shonishin/Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture

Japanese Pediatric acupuncture is an ancient tradition for improving the health of a child. Shonishin means literally child-needle and describes the particular surface-working tools of various shapes used to provide this treatment. Rather than inserting sharp or filiform needles and letting them rest, Shonishin practitioners use a variety of brushing pressing and tapping techniques to stimulate the acupoints and meridians to restore health, improve digestion, and eliminate disease. Shonishin can be performed easily with a child held in arms or moving about the room, and is pleasant for the child receiving it. Shonishin can be used with young infants as well as school-age children, to help resolve almost any childhood complaint from colic to sleep disturbance to earaches to sports injuries. 

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Shonishin/Japanese Pediatric Acupuncture

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