Muir Ferdun, L.Ac.

The benefits of natural medicine are available to everyone.
Infants, Kids, Adults, and Seniors can all benefit.
Choosing techniques that are safe, effective and user friendly for all ages means that the benefits of natural medicine can meet the developmental needs of the typical child (as well as those with differences), the pressures of the modern family, and the particular demands of an aging body.
My great joy is working with families and young children, starting from infancy. I help children have the healthiest possible childhood and lay a foundation for lifetime well-being. For the last 17 years, I have studied a broad range of healing styles to be able to offer the gentlest, most effective modalities to those in need.
My work includes children who are struggling with the “normal” illnesses of childhood, as well as those who have a medical or behavioral diagnosis. I help parents to navigate the hazards and pitfalls of raising a family in modern times, avoiding unnecessary medications, and supporting healthy choices for themselves and their families.
I also work with a wide variety of adult clients, including people working with chronic and acute pain, female disorders, depression and anxiety.
I work with seniors to manage their long-term symptoms and resolve the side effects of medications.
Non-needling techniques are the norm for young children.
What is required to heal?
Healing happens –and suffering resolves– because together we are able to activate or unveil the forgotten wisdom of your body. This occurs on physical, mental and spiritual levels, and treatment plans often incorporate goals or exercises to stimulate different areas. My role is less as the “do”-er of the medicine, and more as catalyst for your process: I provide the specific knowledge and focused stimulus to your system, incorporating physical treatment with the mental work of sifting ideas and opportunities for restoring a healthy and pain free life.
In my work with children and families, I seek to engage both the child and caregivers in a treatment plan that all can get excited about.
What is my background?
After a degree in Art History, I found myself entering the workforce with an appetite for thoughtful investigation and a low tolerance for boredom. I wandered through careers as a fabric buyer and a management consultant before becoming fascinated with the workings and breakdowns of the human bodymind. Here I found for the first time something deserving of lifelong study.
I began assembling a toolkit of natural healing modalities, with a goal of having the most efficient way to treat a myriad of conditions. I have trained in Therapeutic Yoga, Meditation, East Indian Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology, and numerous strong and gentle bodywork techniques.
But on the way to filling my toolbox, I came to understand that the modality chosen becomes secondary to the support I can offer as counselor, coach, and confidante. Healers are asked first and foremost to relieve suffering, and this process involves not just treating or prescribing, but a profound ‘being-with’ another person.
My practice now includes balancing the demands of parenthood and my time with clients, and an ongoing commitment to continuing my studies.
I am a preferred provider on most insurance panels.
My tools:
Most sessions utilize a combination of acupuncture/acupressure and bodywork. Depending on the condition being treated, home care plans might include yoga exercises, breath work, and herbs, homeopathy or supplements.
My training:
Chinese Medicine: Masters in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (Oregon College of Oriental Medicine) 2003. Continuing education in pediatrics, pain, women’s health, and meridian therapy.
Yoga: Certified Yoga Instructor since 1995 (Erich Schiffmann, Ganga White). Advanced Certification in Therapeutic Yoga (John Friend).
Bodywork: Cranio-Sacral Therapy (Upledger). Osteopathic Functional Methods (Jeffrey Burch). Shiatsu. Thai Massage. QST Autism Qi Gong massage.
Other Training: Homeopathy. Lactation Support. Certificate in Ayurveda (Vasant Lad).
Mother to a young daughter with a complex medical history.